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Price List
Fab Lab Reykjavík's equipment is intended for study and development of prototypes.
This price list is for FLR users who are developing their ideas. This price list therefore does not apply to production.
All proceeds go to equipment for the facility.
Device usage
The prices are based on an hour, entrepreneurs with an approved development project get a discount from this price list. The devices should not be used for small-scale production of commercial products.
Tæki | Almenn notkun | Bókun fyrirfram | Smáframleiðsla |
Vínylskeri | 500 kr. / klst | 3000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
Geislaskeri | 500 kr. / klst | 3000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
Þrívíddarprentari | 500 kr. / klst | 3000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
Útsaumsvél | 500 kr. / klst | 3000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
Rafeindaverkstæði | 500 kr. / klst | 3000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
Shopbot | 4000 kr. / klst | 4000 kr. | 15.000 kr. / klst |
* Shopbot must always be booked in advance and have attended a safety course.
** A discount is given to small productions that are non-profit driven, such projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The course is held once a month and four people attend each time. The course is advertised in and costs ISK 4000 per person.
Device booking costs 4000/hr.. For help with drawings, we recommend coming to an open house.
If you need to have it drawn for you, see the section Consulting and drawing.
Material use
Material costs vary and there are price markings on materials in all technical areas of the workshop. Information on material costs can also be found on this page.
Introductory visit
Groups can book a free 60-minute introductory visit. During the visit, Fab Lab Reykjavík is inspected and seen what can be done.
Based on 15 people per group.
Prototype discount
Prototypes of innovative ideas get a discount by becoming a registered contact at Fab Lab Reykjavík.
Talk to an employee of Fab Lab Reykjavíkur about the possibility of becoming a registered entrepreneur with a prototype.
Consulting and drawing
Prices are based on an hour.
Ráðgjöf | Verð |
Vector Teikning | 15.000 kr. |
Þrívíddarteikning | 15.000 kr. |
Kennarahandleiðsla | Frítt |
Hugmyndafundur | Frítt |
Shopbot | 15.000 kr. |
Customized course
Prices are based on an hour.
Námskeið | Verð |
Teikniforrit (14 þátttakendur) | 15.000 kr. |
Grunntæki (8 þátttakendur) | 15.000 kr. |
Vinnustofur* | 15.000 kr. |
*the number of participants depends on the workshop
Material cost
Vinyl cutter
Prices are based on length meters.
*You can buy everything from 25 cm of each roll.
The price includes transfer film or heat pressing. Users are free to bring their own materials and garments.
Efni | Verð |
Veggjalímmiði | 2500 kr. |
Fatalímmiði | 3000 kr. |
Endurskin | 5500 kr. |
Sjálflýsandi Veggjalímmiði | 4500 kr. |
Sjálflýsandi Fatalímmiði | 7500 kr. |
Afgangar | 500 kr. |
Stutterma bolir | 2000 kr. |
Langerma bolir | 2500 kr. |
Töskur | 1500 kr. |
Stutterma bolur | 2000 kr. |
Langerma bolur | 2500 kr. |
Taska | 1500 kr. |
Tímagjald | 500 kr. klst |
Taka frá tæki | 3000 kr. klst |
* A discount is provided for small-scale production that is non-profit-driven, such projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Efni | 30x60 cm | 70x100 cm |
Timbur | 2500 kr. | 7000 kr. |
Glært Plexy | 2500 kr. | 6500 kr. |
Svart/Hvítt Plexy | 3000 kr. | 8000 kr. |
Litað Plexy | 4000 kr. | 11.500 kr. |
Efni | Verð |
Speglar | 500 kr. |
Flöskur | 500 kr. |
Glös | 500 kr. |
Afgangar | 500 kr. |
Tímagjald | 500 kr. klst |
Taka frá tæki | 3000 kr. klst |
Users can bring their own materials, but Fab Lab Reykjavík's staff must test all unknown materials before they are cut.
* A discount is provided for small-scale production that is non-profit-driven, such projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
3D printing
Prices are per gram.
Users are free to bring their own material.
Efni | Verð |
PLA | 20 kr. |
Annað | 40 kr. |
Tímagjald | 500 kr. klst |
Taka frá tæki | 3000 kr. klst |
Embroidery machine
Undir og Yfirefni | Rammar 1 og 2 | Rammar 3 og 4 |
Þykkt og þunnt | 50 kr. | 100 kr. |
Uppleysanlegt | 100 kr. | 200 kr. |
Þráður | 10 kr. á hver 1000 spor |
Tímagjald | 500 kr. klst |
Taka frá tæki | 3000 kr. klst |
Users are free to bring their own material, and garments to sew on.
* A discount is provided for small-scale production that is non-profit-driven, such projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
* A discount is provided for small-scale production that is non-profit-driven, such projects are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Molded area
Prices are based on each kilogram
Title | Verð |
Sílikon | 12.000 kr. |
Epoxy | 12.000 kr. |
Gifs | 500 kr. |
Electronic domain
Rafrásafræsing og íhlutir | 1000 kr. |
Tímagjald | 500 kr. klst |
Taka frá tæki | 3000 kr. klst |
Users are free to bring their own content.
Ráðgjöf og teikning
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